Pastoral Counseling Services


STEVE AND MARY LINDOW ARE NOT ACCEPTING ANY NEW CLIENTS OR RETURNING FORMER CLIENTS AT THIS TIME.   They are taking a much needed break to Rest, Refuel, and Enjoy Refreshing In The Presence of The Lord! 


 Pastoral Counseling Services

We provide Pastoral Counseling for those who desire a Scriptural approach to seeking help and counsel when addressing life changes, challenges, and conflicts. 

Contact For Appointment

Our Counseling Model

Christian Pastoral Counseling uses the truths and HOPE of Scripture, explaining and applying them to the individual’s life through guidance, encouragement, correction and training.

The practical help is gained through the understanding and application of the Word of God.

Timothy 3:16-17 states that,  "Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God’s approval. They equip God’s servants so that they are completely prepared to do good things."

About Reverend Steve and Reverend Mary Lindow

Steve and Mary Lindow are both Ordained and Licensed Ministers and both are Pastoral Counselors. They have studied Pastoral Education Courses with Fuller Bible College and Pastoral Counseling Courses with AACC and Insight Ministries. Our vision is to offer biblical counseling services as way to support pastors who lack time or resources to provide biblical counseling. We also want to provide biblical counseling to Christians in areas where biblical counseling resources are lacking.

Steve and Mary were supervised under a Licensed Ph.D Psychologist for 20 years, 4 of those years being founders and part of the extended Counseling team at Northgate Counseling Group in the Northern Suburbs of Denver, Colorado. The Wuhan Covid19 Global Event affected their in-house "face to face" sessions. Dr. Sandra Miskie their dear friend and Clinical Supervisor passed away in early 2022 from complications due to the virus.

Steve and Mary are now involved Discipling and Mentoring/Life Coaching others in ministry and are active in private Pastoral Counseling.  Steve and Mary pioneered His Beloved Family Church (Non-denominational) in Colorado in 1984 and pastored there until 2002.

They are both ordained ministers who are a fully recognized and approved financially acoountable 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Incorporation since 1986.  Steve has a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from SIU and has served as a consultant in Architectural and Interior Design as well as having studied with Fuller Institute for ministry. Steve speaks into the lives of those in ministry who need a "hearing heart" through discipling, mentoring, private counseling, and above all helping those who need a voice to lead them home to their Savior.  Mary Lindow's Biography can be reviewed at this link :

God’s word is living and active.

It is sharper than any two-edged sword

and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet,

the place where joints and marrow meet.

God’s word judges a person’s thoughts and intentions.

- Hebrews 4:12



 - Addressing specific issues that confront today's Christians

Issues such as: 

 - Living a life out of control

 - Having people take advantage of us

 - Having trouble saying no

 - Being disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers

*Living Free

“Restoring Families”

-Ministers to families from abusive relationships

-Ministers to victims of family violence

-Deals with wounded emotions

-Deals with control and intimacy issues

-Christ as healer of abusive relationships

“Committed Couples” - Pre-marital Counseling - Marriage Conflicts

- Committed Couples is for married couples or engaged-to-be-married couples who are committed to

  God's  Scriptural plan for marriage and family relationship.



-Caregiver Burnout

-Church Conflicts - Spiritual Abuse

-Ministers and Ministers Wives Needing a Safe place for Counseling and Prayer

-Children of Pastors or Missionaries

-Infidelity - Divorce

-Life Stages and Change - Biblical Counsel for Aging and Life Adjustments

-Life Coaching

-"WHO AM I?" - Learning the truth about who you are in Christ! "One on One" Discipleship.

Fee Structure

Our counseling services do not take insurances.

We do keep our fees modest and affordable so that individuals and families are able to receive timely help without the added pressure of additional financial strain.

Each Session Fee Is:



Due to limited appointment opportunities and to prevent unnecessary cancellations, we require payment to be made at the beginning of each appointment. Sadly, many have had cancellations and leave us no alternative but to bill at the start of each appointment. The deposit for each session is not made until the session is finished but will be held in the account wallet on PayPal. Once the session is completed, the payment is transacted and deposited.

All payment information is stored on a secure third party provider that meets the highest security standards.

None of your financial data will be stored on our personal servers and we will never have access to your credit card numbers.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

  and lean not on your own understanding;

 in all your ways acknowledge Him,

  and He will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Interested in taking the first step to finding help in the "Storms of Life"?

We’re here to help!

We want to  help you! 

Send an email to us and we will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Email Us
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